Gabi Podolosky, Product Line Manager at Telco Systems will hold a presentation on The Advantages of an Arm-based SoC for open uCPE at the Open Networking Summit (ONS) North America, which will take place on March 26 – 29, 2018 in Los Angeles, California.

The presentation, which will be held on Tuesday March 27 at 9:40, will examine the benefits of the Arm processor ecosystem for diverse set of differentiated offerings. Podolosky will explore datapath-optimized solutions to facilitate virtualization of network functions at the customer site. During the event, he will focus on delivering the benefits of full programmability in an optimal power/performance/price envelope creating the ideal processing solution for the virtual network edge.

ONS, which is the industry’s premier open networking event, will provide Telco Systems an opportunity to demonstrate the capabilities of its NFVTime for open uCPE running a broad selection of virtual network functions (VNFs)  and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware.

Telco Systems VNFs

Telco Systems has recently launched a new Arm-based solution together with Arm. The best-in-class uCPE solutions offer secured cloud and internet-managed services on multiple hardware architecture.

This new joint solution meets ongoing market requirement for additional high-performance options for telcos and managed service providers to select the appropriate hardware architecture for their specific operational and business requirements. It received a warm welcome, drawing much attention at the mobile show and gaining high traction with market leaders, service providers and technology companies.

ONS gathers enterprises, service providers and cloud providers across the ecosystem to share learnings, highlight innovation and discuss the future of Open Source Networking, including software-defined networking (SDN), network function virtualization (NFV), orchestration and the automation of cloud, network and Internet of things (IoT) services.

Telco Systems’ introduce smart choice for uCPE.

Additional resources

To schedule a demo of the NFVTime, contact us

To learn more about the NFVTime solution suite, click here

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